Monday, 12 November 2007

Back In The Saddle

Dear Bloggers

It has been almost 2 weeks since my last blog for which I apologise. Unfortunately, I was unwell and I underwent various and extensive medical tests. I am now getting better and I hope to be back to writing my regular blog articles from now on.

I have been extremely impressed with the speed of the medical services here at my hospital. The process of undergoing tests is streamlined and well practised. I have only ever been used to the British hospital national service which is also very good. However, when you become a patient in another country it can sometimes be daunting about what tests will be done and how quickly and particularly the communication. However, I can understand many Japanese medical terms these days plus usual communication, so I did not find that too taxing.

I have had no complaints at all. In fact, I was very, very impressed. I also noticed that people showed concern and were caring. Hence, the Caring Profession.

Although I have no wishes at all to be a patient, I did feel I was in good hands.

I am now Back in the Saddle..... :) It is sure good to be back!!!

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