Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Golden Week Mayhem and Training Opportunites

Dear Readers

Since returning from Golden Week, I have been extremely busy with my duties and I am afraid I have neglected my blog.

I am hoping to bring some interesting cases or discussions to this blog later this week.

I now have been joined by a medical student from Kyorin Medical School who wants to learn about history and physical, and as he termed it, I am his "Case Study!"

As I have mentioned previously, I am happy for medical students and / or doctors to come to this institution for short or longer periods to take part in externships if they wish to learn from me or to learn internal medicine from our other doctors.

If you are also interested in such study opportunities, then please join up to gmail and drop me a line on this blog and I can then contact you directly via your gmail email address.

Of course, your comments with not be published and will be kept confidential.