Tuesday, 1 May 2007

UpToDate Keeping Me UpToDate

Dear Readers

It would seem that although I am reading UpToDate for some of the best EMB and references around, UpToDate USA and Japan are reading this blog too!!

I recently had contact from their Japanese Office Director, and I very much welcome the review of this blogsite as they will only find complimentary words for such a great product.

I have been kindly advised that the UpToDate software should work on Japanese Windows Pocket PCs, for example, the Willcom PPC made by Sharp.

If any of you have UTD which has been having any problems on your Japanese PPC then please contact the UTD Japan Office and I would hope that they will be able to sort them out as soon as possible :)

UpToDate, Inc. Japan Office
Sumitomo Shinbashi Bldg.7F
1-8-3 Shinbashi Minato-ku
Tokyo 105-0004
Tel 81-3-3572-5002
Fax 81-3-3572-5003

Best wishes.............

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